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Graphic Design

Creation of a visual identity

4th grade, 2016

Compiègne University of Technology

The purpose of this University Work was to create a brand and decide of the graphic standards.


My brand is called RUK. It produce and sell outdoor equipement.


Here, some pages extract from the visual identity book

Illustration & graphic works


Vaude Sport Gmbh

During my internship at Vaude, I had among othe more technical missions, some illustrations to do.


I draw some of the new products in order to illustrate the 2018 catalogue.

Since I was happy to practice my Illustrator skills, I draw half of the new tent collection pitching intructions.


I also designed some caps for the marketing campain.


Flyer & Leaflet


Serere Natural reserve

Madidi Travel, Bolivia


In Summer 2017, as I was exploring Peru and Bolivia, I stayed 3 weeks in the Amazon forest in order to help a Natural Reserve and a famous environemental and social activist with my engineer and designer skills.


Madidi Travel runs a tourist activity which offer to visit the reserve their protect.


For them, I prepare the instalation of  a solar water pump and I create some communication supports.

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